

To contribute to the empowerment of the Tejiendo Futuros community through the approach of the Rights of Children and Adolescents and Women’s Rights, with a gender perspective to develop a resilient community capable of improving their quality of life in the municipality of Panajachel.

The program was born from the identification of specific cases of domestic violence and gender inequality of the organization’s member families. We note the need to work with mothers and fathers so that the integral work they carry out at El Árbol de la Niñez and Kaulew be more effective, efficient and inclusive.


Our program is directed mainly at the boy and the girl. We seek their full development by focusing on the deconstruction of cultural paradigms rooted within their family nucleus specifically with their father, mother or legal guardian.

From Familias Fortalecidas it is intended to carry out activities that generate changes in thought and behavior that benefit their personal, family and community growth.

Our Activities

Circles of Trust: we address psychosocial issues such as low self-esteem, machismo, violence, neglect, gender inequality, breach of Human Rights due to lack of information, leadership and established roles.

Relaxation Therapies: we want to provide a space for introspection and self-knowledge, strengthening decisions of the inner being.

Cinema Forums:
raise awareness among mothers on issues of historical and cultural relevance, entrepreneurship and citizen participation.

Artistic Activities: identification and deconstruction of established roles, development of new skills.

Recreational Activities: spaces for them to experience for the first time the importance of recreation and to externalize their inner child.



An empowered community
exercising its rights.

Connected by Childhood

A community exercising its rights and obligations with responsible parenthood.

Co-creators in Action

A community taking decisions and actions influencing their families and their environment with a gender and cultural identity perspective.

Contact Us

If you are in the Lake Atitlán area, Guatemala, or would like to visit us, please contact us and we will welcome you
to our school and demonstration center, located in the Jucanya area, Panajachel.

Empowers the community focusing on Human Rights with a perspective on gender, to develop long lasting and permanent change in attitude.