
El Árbol de la Niñez

Our impact is to empower through a holistic education an educated community, conscious of their identity, rights and obligations, in order to be agents of development for the general good.

The right to education is a fundamental right of all human beings that allows them to develop their personality and identity, as well as their physical and intellectual capacities, helping to improve their quality of life. It is, therefore, a fundamental tool for the economic, social and cultural development of all the world’s populations. For the aforementioned reasons, education is a human right that must be accessible to all people, without any discrimination, which is why El Árbol de la Niñez program was developed.

El Árbol de la Niñez forms competencies in each partner so that they connect with their being and become more aware of their environment with an open mind, heart and will through feeling, doing, thinking and connecting and being able to transform themselves into agents of development, a human being subject to rights, protagonist of his own learning, aware of himself, his environment and his obligations, who live together in peace and thus can transform his life and community.


Our program is based in the integral development of the HUMAN BEING where the educational process is based on values; an education that points towards the development of gifts and abilities, that values creativity, cooperation, and collaboration; an education that values the creation of healthy connections and teamwork and of course the acquisition of knowledge through experience.


Model School

An educative community, resilient and peaceful, conscious of a holistic education with a humanistic / spiritual focus, that attempts to develop the potential in each PERSON, conscious of themselves and their environment, and of living in harmony with all other living beings.

Weaving in Family

Mothers, fathers, and caregivers actively participating, involved in the education of their children and conscious of what a holistic education means.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Boys and girls who enjoy comprehensive physical and mental health, through a healthy diet, psychosocial care and learning disabilities.

Contact Us

If you are in the Lake Atitlán area, Guatemala, or would like to visit us, please contact us and we will welcome you
to our school and demonstration center, located in the Jucanya area, Panajachel.

Empowers the community focusing on Human Rights with a perspective on gender, to develop long lasting and permanent change in attitude.